It's 11:14pm and I am up in the loft. Like some Greg Brady millenium b.s. and my expected HG/Food network is blaring softly in the backround. I've recently stepped out of Hollywood, the rancid beautiful sparkling cesspool: cess·pool / ˈsɛsˌpul / Show Spelled [ ses -pool ] Show IPA –noun 1. a cistern, well, or pit for retaining the sediment of a drain or for receiving the sewage from a house. 2. any filthy receptacle or place. 3. any place of moral filth or immorality: a cesspool of iniquity. Use cesspool in a Sentence See images of cesspool Search cesspool on the Web Origin: 1575–85; cess (< It cesso privy < L rēcessus recess , place of retirement) + pool 1 and back to where I once began with the parents and the manicured yards and stocked fridge and central heating and quiet and time. I await my interview at the place I worked just out of high school and wonder how literal they are when they say ...