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Showing posts from 2011
"Because" by the Beatles from BOTH 2011 Because the world is round, It turns me on. Because the world is round. Because the wind is high, It blows my mind, Because the wind is high. Love is old, Love is new. Love is all, Love is you. Because the sky is blue, It makes me cry. Because the sky is blue...  Ahhhhhhhh....

Pour Monday

It'd be untrue to say that i don't care of what you think That your thought doesn't change my place in this ocean, like the tide There comes a point in every mans life that he must set all that aside It's not a punishment but do please learn from each gift that's thrown to the wind I'm tumblin, I'm troubled, And some Might might doooo me good.

Here Comes the CSUN

Filming on CSUN campus today. 9am call. Role: Charlie. 13 lines!
Audition at Sunset Gower Studios for new HBO show..... was asked to sing Radiohead's "High & Dry" *Sunset Gower Studios Backlot Two jumps in a week, I bet you think that's pretty clever don't you boy Flyin' on your motorcycle, watching all the ground beneath you drop You'd kill yourself for recognition, kill yourself to never ever stop You broke another mirror, you're turning into something you are not Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry Drying up in conversation, you will be the one who cannot talk All your insides fall to pieces, you just sit there wishing you could still make love They're the ones who'll hate you when you think you've got the world all sussed out They're the ones who'll spit at you, you will be the one screaming out Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry Oh, it's the best thing t...

Both 2011: A Beatles Nativity

BOTH 2011: A Beatles Nativity  December 7, 9, 10 @ Hollywood United Methodist Church on Franklin Ave. December 21, 22, 23 @ Open Fist Theatre in Hollywood, CA

Dorito Rock! (Commercial)

This is Dorito Rock ! Directed by Jose Jaime ... check us out & stayed tune to vote for us to air during Superbowl 2012! *on set with Spencer Ralston


1. To be clean & sober 2. God 3. To be with my family

Booked job!

Headed over to shoot first gig with ATB Talent... Wardrobe: Whitey tighties & sneakers... Coco anyone?  .... Check me out on upcoming webisode of Lasanga Cat!

Best Burger

I hate this cancer, It makes my hair fall off f f f my head And this double double, Nestled in the belly of Universal, Never tasted so good... So dead. I can't stuff my face fast enough A date goes on next to "us" Has it all really come to this? A burger, Not a bar. handles of hair, A mortal scar. Hours later i wake, Like a yogi in a quake, And the Treading voices, El pelo ache, Gone- swept up without much trace. The fear is being alone, Holding pillows, The solo moan, And fucking burgers, In the rain, a blinding melon, A man in vain.

Doritos Commercial!


A Drinkin town, A marmalade , The girl's diamond, My suit is spade. Worn out is beat ... Paquiow's meat, Onward defeat the shit That beats on (still), The Sunday street  


some call it luck some call it circumstance some call it fate some call it chance some call it blind ... some call it chaos some call it beauty some call it boss some call it foolish some call it karma some call it dogma some call it darhma some call it up in the air some call it grounded some call it quiet some yell it Loud Lid some call it ocean some call it wind some call it others fellows the good within some call it i'm fucked some call it their luck some don't call it maybe they're the ones that got it some call it love some don't call it anything

Machinal is here!

It's here.... Sophie Treadwell's Machinal directed by Barbara Schofield produced by Kevin McCorkle starring  Charlotte Chanler, Kiley Eberhardt, Elizabeth Greer, Dylan Maddelena, George Hale, Arthur Hanket, Bill Jackson, John LeMay, Daniel May, Kevin McCorkle, Marilyn McIntyre, Rebecca Rosenak Phelps, Andrew Schlessinger, Chris Smith, Katy Tyszkiewicz Get your tickets!!! Join our Facebook Event Page

How to Kill A Monster

What a monster a self serving, Desperate, Vacuum of what a person used to be. Just stay away... there's nothing to see here. The plug has been pulled, his breaths will deepen because they know they must savor their last few minutes with the air. In... out... In... ...out I'm sorry that I am weak. I'm sorry that some of you may never know how much this monster loves you. Hidden inside this industrial cage is a space where life used to churn. Thick. Layered. Wild. Now only a space. Abandoned by the ones who know how to predict the weather of a monster; the monster moves in as often as the clouds consume a bay. A chill, Almost in a beautiful way. Be smart! Beauty is fooling.  There is nothing beautiful about a monster, he is a storm. He is a force. Ugly & tragic. Turn, Walk toward the sun, never looking back. If no one is looking at the monster who thrives on the thoughts behind those looks then thrive he will not. The claws at yo...

The Night Watchman

The Night Watchman stands alone, But doesn't shiver from the cold. This zero below has become a friend. Brothers bonded by bitterness, Veterans exhausted of the battle between belief & sin. The Night Watchman listens intently to the cry, Of that tune only silence and boredemn can contrive. It sings of aimless wonder and cartoon mountains unclimbed. Driven by as much rhythmn as found in a single sighhh. Is that why, Night Watchman,  you stand- still? No beating drum to tame you, No composure full left of you to fill. No melody to return to. No harmony to explore. The discovery of simply moving,  Foreigned frozen to a bore. Lost the pages that end with light slivering like icicles melting on the floor. Daniel May

Crazy Kids!

*Mom & Dad on a boat in the middle of the sea :)

West Hollywood Rap

West Hollywood (girrrrl!) The shit (girrrl!) Walk street (girrrl!) we dope (girrrl!) with love (girrrl!) From work (girrrl) to werk (girrrl!) the shit (girrl!) Weho (girrrl!) we know (girrrrl!) Like that (girrrl!) she sick (girrrrl!) That boy (girrrl!) that man (boy!) don't touch (girrrl!) good luck (girrrl!) with love (girrrl!) it's tough (girrrl!) APARTMENT (girrrl!) room-mate (girrl!) the Abbey (bitch!) Mickeys, Rage (shit) she tired (girrrrl!) V-alley (girrrl!) sooosheee (girrrl!) Ginger (girrrl!) the gym (girrrl!) work-out (girrrl!) we debit (girrrl!) pin code (girrrl!) valet (bitch) bus pass (girrrrl!)

What's happening NEXT...

Was just cast in the next mainstage production at The Open Fist Theater in Hollwood, CA... Sophie Treadwell's MACHINAL with an all star cast.... Previews begin October 14th. This is based on the true life story of the 1st woman put to death in the electric chair in America.... God Bless America! You don't wanna miss this pivotal piece of American theater..... more to come....

What's happening now!

I'm house managing this World Premiere of DEAR JOHN MAYER starring Shoshana Bean at the Open Fist Theater in Hollywood, CA..... and we just extended 5 performances September 15, 16, 21, 22, 23 Get your tickets now

Black + White

I used to stay at this apartment in Long Beach just off of downtown on E. Broadway with a man who would show me old movies. He was the movie buff and knew so much about films and their players in them. It was quite an impressive knowledge. I did nothing there but get high, eat his food, and watch his films... he shared so much with me, he had to, I wouldn't leave. I remember watching a Hitchcock film, maybe North by Northwest... and another film that was just so small and sad. A lot of the stories were black and white, so distant and sad and I felt like I would never leave that apartment alive. Before this point in my life, there was always a tomorrow that was different than where I was, but in that room I felt my life reaching a point that it could end. I am grateful to have seen those films and to be not in that room. To have made it out alive. I pray for him will never understand many of the places I have been.

"The Place Inside"

Somewhere inside of me, There's a place that's running wild and free. It's like a billowing wave A untouched stream Somewhere inside of me. This place is hard to reach I pry and claw and walk the streets Search in doors Run thru cars Having trouble seeing Somewhere inside of me I used to be a willing plea Ready to jump The deepest part of me I couldn't wait to stand with you alone Id sit up through the night Counting the silent tones It's like it's gone Never was there. And all I want is you to ask me to stay Stay with me After we sublime and just lie there Breathing No words No time


"Hollywood" Hollywood: it's a rush on the street it'll mad dog you it's bittersweet frozen yogurt a tempo beat warming the very cold of you Hollywood it's dangerous and so beautiful it's a must it will steal you leave you Love you hang you by a thread and not come even close to appeasing you Hollywood can't spell and is one intelligent catch Hollywood is the best sex I've ever had some might think that so sad it's a cockroach I won't kill Because I'm a spiritual bitch now so Don't fuck with Hollywood it is a dream just like the movies exactly as scene on your rapidly obsolete television screen.

Whenever I Want You All I Have to do is......

1. Get married (full wedding day) 2. Sing on stage in Vegas, New York, & around the world 3. Write a full piece 4. Learn to play an instrument 5. Back up sing & dance on a tour for big recording artist


"Outside" by Daniel May There is a tortise outside my door, The rain pats... pitterling on the floor, A truck beeps reminding me of my dreams of Material and not-so material things. There is a snail trudging on my stoop Once a deck where I, once, howl-a-hooped Now a paver that's easy to roll Upon... Wet, Cold, My feet ground in morn. There is a day ahead of me With unprogrammed possibility Each a spiritual opportunity To dance And sing in the harmony. May 17, 2011 "Defects" Page 143 " We were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. " Step Six After taking the Fifth Step, many of us spend some time considering "the exact nature of our wrongs" and the part they'd played in making us who we were. What would our lives be like without, say, our arrogance? Sure, arrogance had kept us apart from our fellows, preventing us from enjoying and learning from them. But arrog...


April 08, 2011 Happiness Page 102 " We come to know happiness, joy and freedom. " Basic Text, p. 91 If someone stopped you on the street today and asked if you were happy, what would you say? "Well, gee, let's see... I have a place to live, food in the refrigerator, a job, my car is running... Well, yes, I guess I'm happy," you might respond. These are outward examples of things that many of us have traditionally associated with happiness. We often forget, however, that happiness is a choice; no one can make us happy. Happiness is what we find in our involvement with Narcotics Anonymous. The happiness we derive from a life focused on service to the addict who still suffers is great indeed. When we place service to others ahead of our own desires, we find that we take the focus off ourselves. As a result, we live a more contented, harmonious life. In being of service to others, we find our own needs more than fulfilled. Happiness. What is it, re...

Dog, pound.

Crash Home

It's 11:14pm and I am up in the loft. Like some Greg Brady millenium b.s. and my expected HG/Food network is blaring softly in the backround. I've recently stepped out of Hollywood, the rancid beautiful sparkling cesspool: cess·pool     / ˈsɛsˌpul / Show Spelled [ ses -pool ] Show IPA –noun 1. a cistern, well, or pit for retaining the sediment of a drain or for receiving the sewage from a house. 2. any filthy receptacle or place. 3. any place of moral filth or immorality: a cesspool of iniquity. Use cesspool in a Sentence See images of cesspool Search cesspool on the Web Origin: 1575–85; cess  (< It cesso   privy < L rēcessus recess , place of retirement) + pool 1   and back to where I once began with the parents and the manicured yards and stocked fridge and central heating and quiet and time. I await my interview at the place I worked just out of high school and wonder how literal they are when they say ...

Duffy Perfoms "Well Well Well"

Funky! Annoying! Love it.