I used to stay at this apartment in Long Beach just off of downtown on E. Broadway with a man who would show me old movies. He was the movie buff and knew so much about films and their players in them. It was quite an impressive knowledge. I did nothing there but get high, eat his food, and watch his films... he shared so much with me, he had to, I wouldn't leave. I remember watching a Hitchcock film, maybe North by Northwest... and another film that was just so small and sad. A lot of the stories were black and white, so distant and sad and I felt like I would never leave that apartment alive. Before this point in my life, there was always a tomorrow that was different than where I was, but in that room I felt my life reaching a point that it could end. I am grateful to have seen those films and to be not in that room. To have made it out alive. I pray for him will never understand many of the places I have been.